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Dateianzeige für ctsesamserver (1.2.2)

1.2.2 stable - 2023-04-07 =========================== * Changed behaviour of chown: "warning '.' should be ':' ... 1.2.1 stable - 2023-02-23 =========================== * Now works with php5, php7, php8, php7-fpm and php8-fpm * Preparations for upcoming systemd (use of service) 1.2.0 stable - 2019-01-20 =========================== * Now works with php5 and php7 1.0.1 stable - 2018-07-26 =========================== ! Use of dialog for entering apache host name 1.0.0 stable - 2018-02-17 =========================== * Changed status to stable * Changed system tag to eisfair-noarch * Updated requirements 0.4.1 testing - 2016-09-04 =========================== ! Typo in documentation 0.4.0 testing - 2016-09-03 =========================== + Added access control 0.3.0 testing - 2016-05-02 =========================== * Updated to newest version 0.2.0 testing - 2015-11-18 =========================== * Updated php code 0.1.0 testing - 2015-11-05 =========================== * Updated documention * Changed status to testing + ctsesamserver-remove-user Added paged list of users ! ctsesamserver-list-user Fixed paging 0.0.1 unstable - 2015-10-28 =========================== - initial release