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Kategorie python3

Offizielles Paket = Offizielles eisfair-Paket
Geprüftes Paket = Paket geprüft


Offizielles Paket python3 3.4.0 Python 3 - Python loader package
Offizielles Paket python3-base 3.4.0 Python 3 - base - Python loader package
Offizielles Paket python310 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - Interpreter
Offizielles Paket python310-abseil 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - Abseil - Python Common Libraries
Offizielles Paket python310-aiodns 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - aiodns - Simple DNS resolver for asyncio
Offizielles Paket python310-aiohttp 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - aiohttp - Asynchronous HTTP client/server
Offizielles Paket python310-aiosignal 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - aiosignal - registered asynchronous callbacks
Offizielles Paket python310-alabaster 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - alabaster - Modified Kr Sphinx doc theme
Offizielles Paket python310-alembic 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - alembic - SQLAlchemy database migration tool
Offizielles Paket python310-anyio 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - anyio - asynchronous event loop implementation
Offizielles Paket python310-apipkg 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - apipkg - Namespace control/lazy-import
Offizielles Paket python310-appdirs 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - appdirs - determining platform-specific dirs
Offizielles Paket python310-aspectlib 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - aspectlib - Aspect-oriented programming
Offizielles Paket python310-astor 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - astor - Read/rewrite/write Python ASTs
Offizielles Paket python310-async_generator 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - async_generator - Async generators manager
Offizielles Paket python310-async_timeout 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - async_timeout - Timeout manager for asyncio
Offizielles Paket python310-attrs 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - attrs - Attributes without boilerplate
Offizielles Paket python310-babel 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Babel - Internationalization utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-backports.entry_points_selectable 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - backports.entry_points_selectable
Offizielles Paket python310-base 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - base - Interpreter and Stdlib Core
Offizielles Paket python310-bcrypt 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - bcrypt - BSD type 2a and 2b password hashing
Offizielles Paket python310-beniget 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - beniget - Module to extract semantic info
Offizielles Paket python310-betamax 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - betamax - VCR imitation for python-requests
Offizielles Paket python310-bleach 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - bleach - whitelist-based HTML-sanitizing tool
Offizielles Paket python310-blessings 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - blessings - wrapper around term capabilities
Offizielles Paket python310-bottle 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Bottle - Fast and simple WSGI-framework
Offizielles Paket python310-breathe 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - breathe - Sphinx Doxygen renderer
Offizielles Paket python310-brotli 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Brotli - Python bindings for Brotli compress
Offizielles Paket python310-brotlipy 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - brotlipy - binding to the Brotli library
Offizielles Paket python310-build 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - build - Simple PEP517 package builder
Offizielles Paket python310-cachecontrol 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - CacheControl - Caching library for requests
Offizielles Paket python310-cached-property 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - cached-property - caching properties classes
Offizielles Paket python310-cachy 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - cachy - caching library
Offizielles Paket python310-cairocffi 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - cairocffi - cairo bindings based on cffi
Offizielles Paket python310-cairocffi-pixbuf 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - cairocffi-pixbuf - pixbuf image loader
Offizielles Paket python310-cairosvg 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - CairoSVG - SVG converter based on Cairo
Offizielles Paket python310-calver 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - calver - Setuptools extension for CalVer
Offizielles Paket python310-certifi 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - certifi - Py package for Mozilla's CA Bundle
Offizielles Paket python310-cffi 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - cffi - Foreign Function Interface call C code
Offizielles Paket python310-chardet 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - chardet - Universal encoding detector
Offizielles Paket python310-charset-normalizer 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - charset-normalizer - Charset detector
Offizielles Paket python310-cheroot 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - cheroot - Pure-python HTTP server
Offizielles Paket python310-cherrypy 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - CherryPy - Object-Oriented HTTP framework
Offizielles Paket python310-clang16 3.4.3 Python 3.10 - clang16 - bindings for libclang
Offizielles Paket python310-clang18 3.4.3 Python 3.10 - clang18 - bindings for libclang
Offizielles Paket python310-cleo 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - cleo - crea testable command-line interfaces
Offizielles Paket python310-click 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - click - A simple wrapper around optparse
Offizielles Paket python310-clikit 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - clikit - testable command line interfaces
Offizielles Paket python310-cmarkgfm 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - cmarkgfm - bindings to GitHub's fork of cmark
Offizielles Paket python310-colorama 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - colorama - Cross-platform colored term text
Offizielles Paket python310-configobj 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - ConfigObj - Config read, write, validation
Offizielles Paket python310-contextvars 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - contextvars - PEP 567 (context variables)
Offizielles Paket python310-contourpy 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - contourpy - calculating contours
Offizielles Paket python310-cookies 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - cookies - RFC 6265-compliant cookie parser
Offizielles Paket python310-coverage 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - coverage - Code coverage measurement
Offizielles Paket python310-cppy 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - cppy - C++ headers for C extension development
Offizielles Paket python310-crashtest 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - crashtest - Manage Python errors with ease
Offizielles Paket python310-cryptography 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - cryptography - exposes cryptographic recipes
Offizielles Paket python310-cssselect 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - cssselect - CSS3 selectors
Offizielles Paket python310-cssselect2 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - cssselect2 - CSS selectors for ElementTree
Offizielles Paket python310-cupshelpers 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - cupshelpers - bindings for CUPS
Offizielles Paket python310-curio 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - curio - Concurrent I/O library for Python 3
Offizielles Paket python310-curses 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - (N)curses - Interface
Offizielles Paket python310-cycler 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Cycler - Composable style cycles
Offizielles Paket python310-cython0 3.4.3 Python 3.10 - Cython0 - compiler for C extensions in Python
Offizielles Paket python310-cython3 3.4.3 Python 3.10 - Cython3 - compiler for C extensions in Python
Offizielles Paket python310-dbm 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - dbm - Interface to the GDBM Library
Offizielles Paket python310-dbus-python 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - dbus-python - bindings for D-Bus
Offizielles Paket python310-ddt 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - ddt - Data-Driven/Decorated Tests
Offizielles Paket python310-decorator 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - decorator - Better living with decorators
Offizielles Paket python310-defusedxml 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - defusedxml - XML bomb protection
Offizielles Paket python310-deprecation 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - deprecation - handle automated deprecations
Offizielles Paket python310-diskcache 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - diskcache - Disk and file backed cache
Offizielles Paket python310-distlib 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - distlib - Distribution utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-distro 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - distro - a Linux OS platform information API
Offizielles Paket python310-dnspython 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - dnspython - DNS toolkit
Offizielles Paket python310-docker 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - docker - Docker API Client
Offizielles Paket python310-docker-pycreds 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - docker-pycreds - bindings for Docker credentia
Offizielles Paket python310-docutils 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Docutils - Documentation Utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-dpkt 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - dpkt - Packet creation and parsing module
Offizielles Paket python310-dragonmapper 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - dragonmapper - for Chinese text processing
Offizielles Paket python310-dulwich 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - dulwich - Python Git Library
Offizielles Paket python310-editables 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - editables - Editable installations
Offizielles Paket python310-elastic-transport 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - elastic-transport - Transport classes and util
Offizielles Paket python310-elasticsearch 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - elasticsearch - Python client
Offizielles Paket python310-entrypoints 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - entrypoints - Discover and load entry points
Offizielles Paket python310-ephemeral-port-reserve 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - ephemeral-port-reserve
Offizielles Paket python310-eventlet 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - eventlet - Concurrent networking library
Offizielles Paket python310-exceptiongroup 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - exceptiongroup - Backport of PEP 654
Offizielles Paket python310-execnet 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - execnet - Rapid multi-Python deployment
Offizielles Paket python310-extras 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - extras - Extra bits for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-fakeredis 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - fakeredis - Fake implementation of redis API
Offizielles Paket python310-fastbencode 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fastbencode - the bencode serialization
Offizielles Paket python310-fasteners 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fasteners - provides useful locks
Offizielles Paket python310-fastimport 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fastimport - Fastimport parser in Python
Offizielles Paket python310-fields 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fields - Container class boilerplate killer
Offizielles Paket python310-filelock 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - filelock - Platform Independent File Lock
Offizielles Paket python310-fixtures 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fixtures - reusable state writing clean tests
Offizielles Paket python310-flake8 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - flake8 - source code checker: pep8, pyflakes
Offizielles Paket python310-flaky 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - flaky - Plugin for nose or py.test
Offizielles Paket python310-flask 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - flask - microframework based Werkzeug, Jinja2
Offizielles Paket python310-flask-migrate 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Flask-Migrate - SQLAlchemy migrations Flask
Offizielles Paket python310-flask-sqlalchemy 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Flask-SQLAlchemy - SQLAlchemy support Flask
Offizielles Paket python310-flexmock 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - flexmock - creating mocks, stubs and fakes
Offizielles Paket python310-flit 3.4.2 Pyhon 3.10 - flit - Simplified packaging of Python modules
Offizielles Paket python310-flit-core 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - flit-core - Distribution-building parts Flit
Offizielles Paket python310-flit-scm 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - flit-scm - PEP 518 build backend
Offizielles Paket python310-fluidity-sm 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fluidity-sm - State machine implementation
Offizielles Paket python310-fonttools 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - FontTools - for Manipulating Fonts
Offizielles Paket python310-freezegun 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - FreezeGun - Mock time date for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-frozenlist 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - frozenlist - list-like structure
Offizielles Paket python310-fs 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fs - Python's filesystem abstraction layer
Offizielles Paket python310-fsspec 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - fsspec - Filesystem specification package
Offizielles Paket python310-future 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - future - Easy, safe support for Python 2/3
Offizielles Paket python310-gast 3.4.2 python 3.10 - gast - AST that abstracts the Python version
Offizielles Paket python310-genshi 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Genshi - HTML template system
Offizielles Paket python310-gevent 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - gevent - network lib usesd greenlet/libevent
Offizielles Paket python310-geventhttpclient 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - geventhttpclient - HTTP client for gevent
Offizielles Paket python310-gi-docgen 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - gi-docgen - Docu tool for GObject-based libs
Offizielles Paket python310-gitdb 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - gitdb - Git Object Database
Offizielles Paket python310-gitpython 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - GitPython - Python Git Library
Offizielles Paket python310-glad2 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - glad2 - GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator
Offizielles Paket python310-gobject 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - gobject - bindings for GObject
Offizielles Paket python310-gobject-cairo 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - gobject-cairo - bindings for GObject/Cairo
Offizielles Paket python310-gobject-gdk 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - gobject-Gdk - bindings for GObject/Gdk
Offizielles Paket python310-gpg 3.4.3 Python 3.10 - gpg - Bindings for GPGME
Offizielles Paket python310-graphviz 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - graphviz - interface for Graphviz
Offizielles Paket python310-greenlet 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - greenlet - in-process concurrent programming
Offizielles Paket python310-gssapi 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - GSSAPI - interface to RFC 2743/2744
Offizielles Paket python310-gunicorn 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Gunicorn - WSGI HTTP Server for UNIX
Offizielles Paket python310-guzzle_sphinx_theme 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - guzzle_sphinx_theme
Offizielles Paket python310-gv 3.4.1 Python 3.10 - gv - Extension for Graphviz
Offizielles Paket python310-h11 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - h11 - pure-Python implementation of HTTP/1.1
Offizielles Paket python310-hanzidentifier 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - hanzidentifier - identifies Chinese tex
Offizielles Paket python310-hatch_vcs 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - hatch_vcs - Hatch plugin for VCS
Offizielles Paket python310-hatch-fancy-pypi-readme 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - hatch-fancy-pypi-readme - Fancy PyPI READMEs
Offizielles Paket python310-hatchling 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - hatchling - Build backend used by Hatch
Offizielles Paket python310-hiredis 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - hiredis - wrapper for hiredis
Offizielles Paket python310-html5lib 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - html5lib - HTML parser
Offizielles Paket python310-httpcore 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - httpcore - Minimal low-level HTTP client
Offizielles Paket python310-httplib2 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - httplib2 - comprehensive HTTP client library
Offizielles Paket python310-httpretty 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - httpretty - HTTP client mocking tool
Offizielles Paket python310-httpx 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - httpx - HTTP client with async support
Offizielles Paket python310-hypothesis 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - hypothesis - A library property based testing
Offizielles Paket python310-hypothesmith 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - hypothesmith - Hypothesis strategies
Offizielles Paket python310-idna 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - idna - Internationalized Domain Names
Offizielles Paket python310-imageio 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - imageio - reading and writing image, video
Offizielles Paket python310-imageio-ffmpeg 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - imageio-ffmpeg - FFMPEG wrapper for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-imagesize 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - imagesize - Getting size from images
Offizielles Paket python310-immutables 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - immutables - Immutable collections
Offizielles Paket python310-importlib-metadata 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - importlib-metadata - Read metadata from Py pkg
Offizielles Paket python310-importlib-resources 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - importlib-resources - Read resources from pkg
Offizielles Paket python310-iniconfig 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - iniconfig - brain-dead simple config-ini parse
Offizielles Paket python310-invocations 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - invocations - Reusable Invoke tasks
Offizielles Paket python310-invoke 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - invoke - Pythonic Task Execution
Offizielles Paket python310-iso8601 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - iso8601 - Simple modul to parse ISO 8601 dates
Offizielles Paket python310-isort 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - isort - utility/library to sort Python imports
Offizielles Paket python310-itsdangerous 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - itsdangerous - Various helpers
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_base 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - jaraco.base - Base namespace jaraco packages
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_classes 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - jaraco.classes - Tools to work with classes
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_collections 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - jaraco.collections - Tools w. with collections
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_context 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - jaraco.context - Tools to work with functools
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_envs 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - jaraco.envs - Classes for Virtual Environments
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_functools 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - jaraco.functools - Tools work with functools
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_packaging 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - jaraco.packaging - Supplement packaging Python
Offizielles Paket python310-jaraco_text 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - jaraco.text - Tools to work with text
Offizielles Paket python310-jeepney 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - jeepney - Low-level, DBus protocol wrapper
Offizielles Paket python310-jinja2 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Jinja2 - template engine
Offizielles Paket python310-js2py 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Js2Py - Translator a. JavaScript interpreter
Offizielles Paket python310-jsonpointer 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - jsonpointer - identify nodes in a JSON doc
Offizielles Paket python310-jsonschema 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - jsonschema - JSON-Schema validation for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-keyring 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - keyring - System keyring service access
Offizielles Paket python310-kiwisolver 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - kiwisolver - Cassowary constraint solver
Offizielles Paket python310-lark 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - lark - parsing library for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-lazy-loader 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - lazy-loader - Populate library namespace
Offizielles Paket python310-ldap 3.4.3 Python 3.10 - ldap - LDAP bindings
Offizielles Paket python310-ldap3 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - ldap3 - RFC 4511 conform LDAP V3 Python client
Offizielles Paket python310-lexicon 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - lexicon - dict subclass(es) with aliasing
Offizielles Paket python310-libcst 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - libCST - concrete syntax tree with AST-like
Offizielles Paket python310-libftdi1 3.4.0 Python310 - libftdi1 - Language bindings
Offizielles Paket python310-libxml2 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - libxml2 - Python Bindings for libxml2
Offizielles Paket python310-linkify-it-py 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - linkify-it-py - Links recognition library
Offizielles Paket python310-llfuse 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - llfuse - Bindings for the low-level FUSE API
Offizielles Paket python310-lockfile 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - lockfile - Platform-indep. file locking module
Offizielles Paket python310-loguru 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - loguru - logging component simple interface
Offizielles Paket python310-lupa 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - lupa - wrapper around Lua and LuaJIT
Offizielles Paket python310-lxml 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - lxml - Pythonic XML processing library
Offizielles Paket python310-m2crypto 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - M2Crypto - Crypto and SSL toolkit for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-mako 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Mako - templating language
Offizielles Paket python310-markdown 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Markdown - implementation of Markdown
Offizielles Paket python310-markdown-it-py 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - markdown-it-py - Markdown parsing
Offizielles Paket python310-markupsafe 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - MarkupSafe - XML/HTML/XHTML safe string
Offizielles Paket python310-matplotlib 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - matplotlib - Plotting Library for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-mccabe 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - McCabe - checker, plugin for flake8
Offizielles Paket python310-mdurl 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - mdurl - Markdown URL utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-merge3 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - merge3 - implementation of 3-way merge
Offizielles Paket python310-meson-python 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - meson-python - Meson build backend (PEP 517)
Offizielles Paket python310-mock 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - mock - Mocking and Patching Lib for Testing
Offizielles Paket python310-more-itertools 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - more-itertools - routines operating iterables
Offizielles Paket python310-msgpack 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - msgpack - MessagePack (de)serializer
Offizielles Paket python310-multidict 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - multidict - Multidict implementation
Offizielles Paket python310-munch 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - munch - dot-accessible dictionary
Offizielles Paket python310-mypy 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - mypy - Optional static typing for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-mypy_extensions 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - mypy_extensions - type system extensions
Offizielles Paket python310-mysql-connector-python 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - mysql-connector-python - driver MySQL/MariaDB
Offizielles Paket python310-mysqlclient 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - mysqlclient - Python interface to MySQL
Offizielles Paket python310-networkx 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - networkx - for the study of complex networks
Offizielles Paket python310-node-semver 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - node-semver - Port of node-semver
Offizielles Paket python310-nose2 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - nose2 - Second generation from nose
Offizielles Paket python310-numpy 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - NumPy - array processing for numbers, etc..
Offizielles Paket python310-objgraph 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - objgraph - draw object ref. graphs with gv
Offizielles Paket python310-olefile 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - olefile - Read and write Microsoft OLE2 files
Offizielles Paket python310-ordered-set 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - ordered-set - Custom MutableSet that remembers
Offizielles Paket python310-outcome 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - outcome - capturing outcome of function calls
Offizielles Paket python310-packaging 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - packaging - Core utilities for Python packages
Offizielles Paket python310-pandas 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pandas - data structures for data analysis
Offizielles Paket python310-parameterized 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - parameterized - Parameterized testing
Offizielles Paket python310-paramiko 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - paramiko - SSH2 protocol
Offizielles Paket python310-pastel 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pastel - String colorization
Offizielles Paket python310-patch-ng 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - patch-ng - parse and apply unified diffs
Offizielles Paket python310-path 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - path - A module wrapper for os.path
Offizielles Paket python310-pathspec 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pathspec - gitignore pattern matching paths
Offizielles Paket python310-patiencediff 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - patiencediff - patiencediff algorithm
Offizielles Paket python310-pbr 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - PBR - Python Build Reasonableness
Offizielles Paket python310-pep517 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pep517 - Wrappers for using PEP 517 hooks
Offizielles Paket python310-pexpect 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Pexpect - Pure Python Expect-like module
Offizielles Paket python310-pillow 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Pillow - Python Imaging Library (Fork)
Offizielles Paket python310-pip 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pip - installs packages
Offizielles Paket python310-pkginfo 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pkginfo - Query metadatdata from inst packages
Offizielles Paket python310-platformdirs 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - platformdirs - appropriate platform dirs
Offizielles Paket python310-pluggy 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pluggy - plugin and hook calling mechanisms
Offizielles Paket python310-pluginbase 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pluginbase - flexible plugin systems
Offizielles Paket python310-ply 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - ply - Python Lex + Yacc
Offizielles Paket python310-poetry 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - poetry - dependency management and packaging
Offizielles Paket python310-poetry-core 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - poetry-core - poetry core utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-portend 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - portend - TCP port monitoring utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-pretend 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pretend - A library for stubbing in Python
Offizielles Paket python310-prettytable 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - prettytable - display tabular data formatted
Offizielles Paket python310-process-tests 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - process-tests - Tools for testing processes
Offizielles Paket python310-protobuf 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - protobuf - Bindings fo Google Protocol Buffers
Offizielles Paket python310-proxy-py 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - proxy-py - TLS interception capable proxy serv
Offizielles Paket python310-psutil 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - psutil - process and system utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-psycopg2 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - psycopg2 - PostgreSQL Database Adapter
Offizielles Paket python310-ptyprocess 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - ptyprocess - Run subprocess in pseudo terminal
Offizielles Paket python310-py 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - py - cross-python path, ini-parsing
Offizielles Paket python310-py-cpuinfo 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - py-cpuinfo - library and tool to get CPU info
Offizielles Paket python310-py3c 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - py3c - Python compatibility headers
Offizielles Paket python310-pyaml 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pyaml - produce formatted YAML-serialized data
Offizielles Paket python310-pyasn1 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pyasn1 - ASN.1 types and codecs
Offizielles Paket python310-pyasn1-modules 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pyasn1-modules - protocols module in ASN.1
Offizielles Paket python310-pybind11 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pybind11 - operability between C++11 a. Python
Offizielles Paket python310-pycairo 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - pycairo - Bindings for Cairo
Offizielles Paket python310-pycares 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pycares - interface for c-ares
Offizielles Paket python310-pycodestyle 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pycodestyle - style guide checker
Offizielles Paket python310-pycparser 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pycparser - C parser in Python
Offizielles Paket python310-pycups 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pycups - Python Bindings for CUPS
Offizielles Paket python310-pycurl 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - PycURL - interface to libcurl
Offizielles Paket python310-pydot 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pydot - interface to Graphviz's Dot
Offizielles Paket python310-pyelftools 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyelftools - analyzing ELF files
Offizielles Paket python310-pyflakes 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyflakes - Passive checker of Python programs
Offizielles Paket python310-pyftpdlib 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyftpdlib - Asynchronous FTP server library
Offizielles Paket python310-pyfuse3 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pyfuse3 - Bindings for the low-level FUSE3 API
Offizielles Paket python310-pygal 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pygal - svg graph plotting library
Offizielles Paket python310-pygaljs 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pygaljs - package providing assets pygaljs
Offizielles Paket python310-pygments 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Pygments - syntax highlighter
Offizielles Paket python310-pygraphviz 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - PyGraphviz - Python interface to Graphviz
Offizielles Paket python310-pyjsparser 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyjsparser - Javascript parser based esprimajs
Offizielles Paket python310-pyjwt 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - PyJWT - SON Web Token implementation
Offizielles Paket python310-pylev 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pylev - Levenshtein implementation
Offizielles Paket python310-pylibmc 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pylibmc - memcached client for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-pymysql 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - PyMySQL - Pure Python MySQL Driver
Offizielles Paket python310-pynacl 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - PyNaCl - binding to Networking a. Cryptography
Offizielles Paket python310-pyopenssl 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pyOpenSSL - interface to the library SSL
Offizielles Paket python310-pyparsing 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pyparsing - parsing module
Offizielles Paket python310-pyproject-hooks 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyproject-hooks - Wrappers for pyproject.toml
Offizielles Paket python310-pyproject-metadata 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyproject-metadata - PEP 621 metadata parsing
Offizielles Paket python310-pyquery 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyquery - A jQuery-like library for python
Offizielles Paket python310-pyrsistent 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pyrsistent - Persistent data structures
Offizielles Paket python310-pysendfile 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pysendfile - interface to sendfile
Offizielles Paket python310-pytesseract 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytesseract - Python wrapper for Tesseract-OCR
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytest - Simple powerful testing with Python
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-asyncio 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytest-asyncio - Pytest support for asyncio
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-benchmark 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-benchmark - fixture for benchmarking
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-cov 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-cov - Pytest plugin coverage reporting
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-datadir 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-datadir - test data directories
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-expect 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytest-expect - Py.test plugin store expect
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-flake8 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-flake8 - check FLAKE8 requirements
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-forked 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-forked - Run tests in forked subprocess
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-freezegun 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-freezegun - Fixtures in freeze_time
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-httpserver 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-httpserver - HTTP server for pytest
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-isort 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-isort - check import ordering by isort
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-lazy-fixture 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-lazy-fixture - Helper to use fixtures
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-mock 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytest-mock - Thin-wrapper around mock package
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-regressions 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-regressions - fixtures write regression
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-relaxed 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-relaxed - discovery/organization pytest
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-rerunfailures 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-rerunfailures - plugin to re-run tests
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-services 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-services - lugin for pytest
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-subtests 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-subtests - support and subtests fixture
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-sugar 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-sugar - printer for pytest progress
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-timeout 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytest-timeout - plugin to abort hanging tests
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-trio 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytest-trio - Pytest plugin for trio
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-xdist 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytest-xdist - testing/loop-on-failing py.test
Offizielles Paket python310-pytest-xprocess 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - pytest-xprocess - managing processes
Offizielles Paket python310-python-dateutil 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - python-dateutil - Datetime Library
Offizielles Paket python310-python-memcached 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - python-memcached - memcached client
Offizielles Paket python310-python-subunit 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - python-subunit - Streaming proto test results
Offizielles Paket python310-pythran 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pythran - Time compiler for numeric kernels
Offizielles Paket python310-pytz 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - pytz - World timezone definitions
Offizielles Paket python310-pytz-deprecation-shim 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - pytz-deprecation-shim
Offizielles Paket python310-pywavelets 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - PyWavelets - Python wavelet transforms module
Offizielles Paket python310-pyyaml 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - PyYAML - YAML parser and emitter
Offizielles Paket python310-pyzmq 3.4.4 Python 3.10 - PyZMQ - bindings for 0MQ
Offizielles Paket python310-re-assert 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - re-assert - Show regex match assertion failure
Offizielles Paket python310-readme_renderer 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - readme_renderer - render "readme" descriptions
Offizielles Paket python310-redis 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - redis - client for Redis key-value store
Offizielles Paket python310-regex 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - regex - Alternative regular expression module
Offizielles Paket python310-releases 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - releases - Sphinx extension for changelog
Offizielles Paket python310-requests 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - requests - HTTP for Humans
Offizielles Paket python310-requests-toolbelt 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - requests-toolbelt - utility belt for users
Offizielles Paket python310-requests-unixsocket 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - requests-unixsocket - UNIX domain socket
Offizielles Paket python310-responses 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - responses - utility library for mocking
Offizielles Paket python310-rfc3986 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - rfc3986 - validating URI refs per RFC 3986
Offizielles Paket python310-rfc3987 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - rfc3987 - Parsing URIs RFC 3986, IRIs RFC 3987
Offizielles Paket python310-rich 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - rich - for rich text and beautiful formatting
Geprüftes Paket python310-rrdtool 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - rrdtool - Round Robin Database
Offizielles Paket python310-rst_linker 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - rst_linker - Sphinx plugin
Offizielles Paket python310-scandir 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - scandir - directory iterator and faster oswalk
Offizielles Paket python310-scikit-image 3.4.3 Python 3.10 - scikit-image - algorithms for image processing
Offizielles Paket python310-scipy 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - scipy - Scientific Tools for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-secretstorage 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - SecretStorage - FreeDesktoporg Secret Service
Offizielles Paket python310-semantic_version 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - semantic_version - implementing SemVer scheme
Offizielles Paket python310-service_identity 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - service_identity - verification for pyOpenSSL
Offizielles Paket python310-setuptools 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - setuptools - for esay install
Offizielles Paket python310-setuptools_scm 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - setuptools_scm - Manage your versions scm tags
Offizielles Paket python310-setuptools_scm_git_archive 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - setuptools_scm_git_archive - Git arch plugin
Offizielles Paket python310-setuptools-gettext 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - setuptools-gettext - gettext extension plugin
Offizielles Paket python310-setuptools-rust 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - setuptools-rust - plugin for Rust extensions
Offizielles Paket python310-setuptools-wheel 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - setuptools-wheel - for esay install
Offizielles Paket python310-shellingham 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - shellingham - detect surrounding shell
Offizielles Paket python310-simplejson 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - simplejson - JSON encoder/decoder
Offizielles Paket python310-six 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Six - Python 2 and 3 compatibility utilities
Offizielles Paket python310-smartypants 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - smartypants - fork of perl SmartyPants
Offizielles Paket python310-smmap 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - smmap - sliding window memory map manager
Offizielles Paket python310-sniffio 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sniffio - Module to sniff which async library
Offizielles Paket python310-snowballstemmer 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - snowballstemmer - prov. 16 stemmer algorithms
Offizielles Paket python310-sortedcontainers 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sortedcontainers - Sorted container data types
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinx 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - Sphinx - Python documentation generator
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinx_rtd_theme 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinx_rtd_theme - theme
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-applehelp - ext for Apple books
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-devhelp 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-devhelp - ext for Devhelp docus
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp - ext for html help
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-jquery 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-jquery - Ext to include jQuery
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-jsmath - ext HTML via JavaScript
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-programoutput 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-programoutput - Sphinx extension
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-qthelp 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-qthelp - ext for QtHelp
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml - ext seria HTML
Offizielles Paket python310-sphinxcontrib-websupport 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - sphinxcontrib-websupport - Sphinx API Web Apps
Offizielles Paket python310-sqlalchemy 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - SQLAlchemy - Database Abstraction Library
Offizielles Paket python310-strict-rfc3339 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - strict-rfc3339 - Strict,lightweight RFC3339
Offizielles Paket python310-subversion 3.4.5 Python 3.10 - subversion - Subversion bindings
Offizielles Paket python310-sure 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - sure - Utility belt for automated testing
Offizielles Paket python310-tabulate 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tabulate - Pretty-printer for tabular data
Geprüftes Paket python310-talloc 3.4.1 Python 3.10 - talloc - Memory allocator from samba
Offizielles Paket python310-tempora 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tempora - Objects/routines to date and time
Offizielles Paket python310-termcolor 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - termcolor - ANSII Color formatting for output
Offizielles Paket python310-tesserocr 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - tesserocr - wrapper around tesseract-ocr
Offizielles Paket python310-testpath 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - testpath - utilities for files and commands
Offizielles Paket python310-testscenarios 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - testscenarios - pyunit ext dependency inject
Offizielles Paket python310-testsuite 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - testsuite - Unit tests for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-testtools 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - testtools - Ext. to Unit Testing Framework
Geprüftes Paket python310-tevent 3.4.1 Python 3.10 - tevent - Event system from samba
Offizielles Paket python310-textile 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - textile - Web Text Generator
Offizielles Paket python310-tifffile 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tifffile - ead and write TIFF files
Offizielles Paket python310-tinycss2 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tinycss2 - Low-level CSS parser
Offizielles Paket python310-toml 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - TOML - parses and emits TOML
Offizielles Paket python310-tomli 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - tomli - A lil TOML parser
Offizielles Paket python310-tomli-w 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tomli-w - A lil' TOML writer
Offizielles Paket python310-tomlkit 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - tomlkit - Style preserving TOML
Offizielles Paket python310-tools 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - tools - Utility and Demonstration Scripts
Offizielles Paket python310-tornado 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tornado - Open source version of scalable
Offizielles Paket python310-tornado6 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tornado6 - Open source version of scalable
Offizielles Paket python310-tqdm 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - tqdm - extensible progress meter
Offizielles Paket python310-trio 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - trio - async/await-native I/O library
Offizielles Paket python310-trove-classifiers 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - trove-classifiers - classifiers on PyPI
Offizielles Paket python310-trustme 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - trustme - Fake CA provider for Python tests
Offizielles Paket python310-twine 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - twine - utilities for interacting with PyPI
Offizielles Paket python310-typed-ast 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - typed-ast - ast modules with type support
Offizielles Paket python310-typing_extensions 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - typing_extensions - Type Hints for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-typing-inspect 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - typing-inspect - runtime utilities for typing
Offizielles Paket python310-typogrify 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - typogrify - template filters for Django/Jinja2
Offizielles Paket python310-tzlocal 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - tzlocal - zinfo object for the local timezone
Offizielles Paket python310-u-msgpack-python 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - u-msgpack-python - lightweight MessagePack
Offizielles Paket python310-uc-micro-py 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - uc-micro-py - subset of unicode data
Offizielles Paket python310-unicodedata2 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - unicodedata2 - backport/updates
Offizielles Paket python310-unidecode 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - unidecode - ASCII transliterations of Unicode
Offizielles Paket python310-urllib3 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - urllib3 - HTTP library thread-safe connection
Offizielles Paket python310-urwid 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - urwid - full-featured console user interface
Offizielles Paket python310-versioneer 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - versioneer - VCS-based management of project
Offizielles Paket python310-versioneer-toml 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - versioneer-toml - VCS-based management [toml]
Offizielles Paket python310-virtualenv 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - virtualenv - Virtual Environment builder
Offizielles Paket python310-waitress 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - waitress - WSGI server
Offizielles Paket python310-wcag-contrast-ratio 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - wcag-contrast-ratio - required by WCAG 20
Offizielles Paket python310-wcwidth 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - wcwidth - Number of Terminal column cells
Offizielles Paket python310-webcolors 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - webcolors - working with color names and value
Offizielles Paket python310-webencodings 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - webencodings - Character encoding aliases
Offizielles Paket python310-websocket-client 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - websocket-client - client implementation
Offizielles Paket python310-websockets 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - websockets - WebSocket Protocol (RFC 6455)
Offizielles Paket python310-werkzeug 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - Werkzeug - web development
Offizielles Paket python310-wheel 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - wheel - built-package format for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-xcffib 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - xcffib - XCB python binding
Offizielles Paket python310-xml 3.4.6 Python 3.10 - XML - Interface
Offizielles Paket python310-yapf 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - yapf - formatter for Python code
Offizielles Paket python310-yarl 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - yarl - Yet another URL library
Offizielles Paket python310-zc_lockfile 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - zc.lockfile - Basic inter-process locks
Offizielles Paket python310-zhon 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - zhon - Constants used in Chinese text
Offizielles Paket python310-zipp 3.4.0 Python 3.10 - zipp - Pathlib-compatible object wrapper zip
Offizielles Paket python310-zope_event 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - zope.event - Very basic event publish system
Offizielles Paket python310-zope_interface 3.4.2 Python 3.10 - zope.interface - Interfaces for Python
Offizielles Paket python310-zope_testing 3.2.5 Python 3.10 - zope.testing - Zope testing helpers