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Dateianzeige für tree (3.4.0)

v3.4.0 stable - 2023-08-13 =========================== - tree 2.1.1 v3.2.3 stable - 2023-01-13 =========================== - tree 2.1.0 v3.2.1 stable - 2022-02-21 =========================== - tree 2.0.2 v3.2.0 stable - 2022-01-12 =========================== - tree 2.0.1 v3.0.0 stable - 2020-05-06 =========================== - Compiled with gcc 9.2.1 - Linked to glibc 2.31 v2.2.1 stable - 2019-12-28 =========================== - rpmbuild tree-1.8.0-1.5.src.rpm v2.2.0 stable - 2018-12-26 =========================== - rpmbuild tree-1.8.0-1.1.src.rpm v2.0.1 stable - 2018-10-11 =========================== - First release for eisfair-1 and eisfair-64 - rpmbuild tree-1.7.0-3.16.src.rpm - (takeover from Thomas Quast)