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Dateianzeige für hstr (3.4.1)

Das hstr-Paket Kommandozeilentool zur Anzeige, Bearbeitung und Sortieren der Historie der Kommandozeile und zum Starten von Kommandos aus der Historie. # hstr --help Usage: hstr [option] [arg1] [arg2]... Shell history suggest box: --favorites -f ... show favorites view --non-interactive -n ... print filtered history and exit --show-configuration -s ... show configuration to be added to ~/.bashrc --show-zsh-configuration -z ... show Zsh configuration to be added to ~/.zshrc --show-blacklist -b ... show commands to skip on history indexation --version -V ... show version details --help -h ... help Beschreibungen aller Tastenkuerzel befinden sich in der diesem Dokument angehaengten Man-Page. Es ist moeglich, die Suche in der Kommandohistorie mittels [STRG]-[R] mit diesem Kommando zu verknuepfen. hstr --show-configuration gibt diese und weitere optionale Ergaenzungen fuer die bash aus, die in der .bashrc des Users zu ergaenzen sind: # HSTR configuration - add this to ~/.bashrc alias hh=hstr # hh to be alias for hstr export HSTR_CONFIG=hicolor # get more colors shopt -s histappend # append new history items to .bash_history export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace # leading space hides commands from history export HISTFILESIZE=10000 # increase history file size (default is 500) export HISTSIZE=${HISTFILESIZE} # increase history size (default is 500) # ensure synchronization between Bash memory and history file export PROMPT_COMMAND="history -a; history -n; ${PROMPT_COMMAND}" # if this is interactive shell, then bind hstr to Ctrl-r (for Vi mode check doc) if [[ $- =~ .*i.* ]]; then bind '"\C-r": "\C-a hstr -- \C-j"'; fi # if this is interactive shell, then bind 'kill last command' to Ctrl-x k if [[ $- =~ .*i.* ]]; then bind '"\C-xk": "\C-a hstr -k \C-j"'; fi hh --show-zsh-configuration gibt diese und weitere optionale Ergaenzungen fuer die Z-Shell aus, die in der .zshrc des Users zu ergaenzen sind: # HSTR configuration - add this to ~/.zshrc alias hh=hstr # hh to be alias for hstr export HISTFILE=~/.zsh_history # ensure history file visibility export HSTR_CONFIG=hicolor # get more colors bindkey -s "\C-r" "\eqhstr\n" # bind hstr to Ctrl-r (for Vi mode check doc) hstr-Homepage: Marcus Roeckrath, 2020-11-22